Tone of Voice Guidance

Jump to the bit you need

How to refer to us

Learn how to use our name correctly,
we’re rather fond of it

Our voice in action

See our tone of voice strut its stuff all
over the page

Blog Guide

Become a blogging master with help
from our practical guide to blogging

Style Guide

Be super stylish with your words with
our always on-trend style guide

How to Refer to us

This is good

Matchstick Creative

All external comms


Internal comms

A Matchstick

Only for referring to someone who works at
Matchstick Creative

This is not so good

The Matchstick Creative

Where’s that ‘The’ coming from? We’re not a band.

Creative Matchstick

What are you, drunk?


Never for referring to the company, always
Matchstick Creative

Our Voice in Action

Blog post title: It Blog post title: It
Tweet: a reflection of our values and has a clear call-to-action. Written in plain english and doesn Tweet: a reflection of our values and has a clear call-to-action. Written in plain english and doesn
Author Author

Blog Guide

5 Tips to blog like a Matchstick

1. Create content with purpose

We love to add as much value as possible, so always create content that meets a need, answers a question or presents an idea in an exciting way.

2. Think user first, search second

Whatever we make, it’s for human beings. We want to appear for relevant search terms as long as when we appear we are adding value.

3. Put it “in a drawer” and walk away

It’s not working because you’ve been looking at it too much. Stretch your legs and get your mind away from the words. When you come back, the problem- solving fairy will have been in and dusted her magic over your post.

4. Read it out loud

Perform your words for yourself before putting it in front of other people. Nothing highlights an awkward sentence like you stumbling over your own words.

5. Write about the shit you love

Bring yourself to the article and let your passion for your subject shine through. Your reader will learn more and you’ll enjoy it more.


  • Create a hierarchy, with the most important information first
  • Place similar topics in the same – paragraph, and clearly separate different topics with headings
  • Use plain language. Write short sentences and familiar words
  • Hyperlink on a relevant phrase, rather than on a phrase like ‘click here’

Headings & Sub-Headings

  • Article titles are H2s
  • Subheads are H3s
  • Sub subheads are H4s
  • Anything after that is formatted in bold

Style Guide

UK Spelling

Our preferred spelling is UK spelling. Get rid of those sneaky Z’s in words like organisation.


  • Write numbers under 10 as words and numbers over 10 as digits
  • Five doggos in the office was a good balance
  • 11 doggos in the office was chaos


When writing out an email address of website URL, use all lowercase –

Don’t capitalise any of the following:

  • website
  • internet
  • online
  • email


We love an emoji, but we’re not 12 years old. Treat them like exclamation marks; use them sparingly so they have impact.