Our Cookie Policy

Our website uses cookies – the internet ones, not the edible ones – which means we collect and store certain information about your visit to our website.

How we use data

Some of our cookies keep track of when you visited our website, what pages you viewed, how you found our website – the sort of information that helps us to improve our website. We then analyse this information using Google Analytics, Hotjar, and Scorecard Research to make your experience better the next time you visit. These cookies don’t collect anything personal or private (they register your data anonymously), and we don’t collect anything you haven’t consented to.

Our website also has an email newsletter subscription service. Cookies are needed for this as they remember if you are already registered, as well as showing certain notifications if they are relevant to the user.

We also store data that you submit to our site, such as by filling out a contact form. We use cookies to remember your details if we need to contact you at a later date.

We also collect the name and email address from anyone who downloads our guides. This is so we can send them other useful relevant content in the future.

Disabling Cookies

If you want to opt out of any of our cookies, that’s totally fine by us. In fact, you can do this on most web browsers by going to your browser settings.

If that all still sounds a little scary, you can learn more about cookies, including how to control and delete them, at www.aboutcookies.org. Or to opt out of all Google Analytics’s cookies, go to http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.