Matchstick Creative
All external comms
Internal comms
A Matchstick
Only for referring to someone who works at
Matchstick Creative
The Matchstick Creative
Where’s that ‘The’ coming from? We’re not a band.
Creative Matchstick
What are you, drunk?
Never for referring to the company, always
Matchstick Creative
1. Create content with purpose
We love to add as much value as possible, so always create content that meets a need, answers a question or presents an idea in an exciting way.
2. Think user first, search second
Whatever we make, it’s for human beings. We want to appear for relevant search terms as long as when we appear we are adding value.
3. Put it “in a drawer” and walk away
It’s not working because you’ve been looking at it too much. Stretch your legs and get your mind away from the words. When you come back, the problem- solving fairy will have been in and dusted her magic over your post.
4. Read it out loud
Perform your words for yourself before putting it in front of other people. Nothing highlights an awkward sentence like you stumbling over your own words.
5. Write about the shit you love
Bring yourself to the article and let your passion for your subject shine through. Your reader will learn more and you’ll enjoy it more.
Our preferred spelling is UK spelling. Get rid of those sneaky Z’s in words like organisation.
When writing out an email address of website URL, use all lowercase –
Don’t capitalise any of the following:
We love an emoji, but we’re not 12 years old. Treat them like exclamation marks; use them sparingly so they have impact.